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Kansas Wesleyan University

KWU’s Historical Timeline

KWU Historical Tour Videos

1885当前位置卫理公会圣公会的西北堪萨斯会议(联合卫理公会的前身)筹集了3美元,500 to fund a new college. 堪萨斯的几个城市提交了申办新学院的申请, but the District accepted Salina’s offer of 15 acres and $26,000 towards the first building, known simply as the Administration building.

1886 | Sept. 15: The Administration Building 向第一届2名(一名大四学生和一名大一学生)敞开了大门, 61 preparatory class students, and 11 faculty members. Tuition and fees were $13 per term.

1887: Henry M. Mayo becomes the first graduate of Kansas Wesleyan.

“正是在面对障碍和克服障碍中获得的力量使我们变得更好、更强壮。. 正是战胜了这些障碍,我们才有勇气去完成人生中最伟大的事业.”

—Rev. H.M. Mayo, 1887 Graduation Speech

1890: Two student publications, the Wesleyan Lance and the Kansas Wesleyan Advocate, merge to form the Wesleyan Advance.

1891: C. W. 伯奇成为第一个在堪萨斯卫斯理完成所有工作的毕业生. 他继续获得法律学位,并建立了堪萨斯州最早的律师事务所之一:Burch, Litowich, and Royce.

1904: Kansas Wesleyan opened its first residence hall, Schuyler Hall, named in honor of a much-loved university founder, Dr. Aaron Schuyler.

1908: Construction began on KWU’s second academic facility, Carnegie Science Hall. The science hall contained classrooms, laboratories, a museum, a telescope, and the university library.

1909: The University Methodist Church (known as the University United Methodist Church, UUMC) was organized to serve the university and south Salina, 直到1917年,现时的教堂建在邻近校园的地方,才在古武行政大楼举行礼拜.

1911字体格伦·马丁(1908)驾驶着他自制的飞机在靠近校园的萨利纳南部上空飞行. Martin attended Kansas Wesleyan Business College 但后来搬到加州,建立了几家飞机和航天公司.

1916年的今天,千亿国际登录的第一个永久性体育设施——国王体育馆开放. Named for Dean Albert King, a KWU professor, administrator, and supporter, the gym contained a swimming pool, basketball court, lockers, and other facilities. The face of the beloved clock which graced the gym, was salvaged after a fire destroyed the gym in 1987. 钟面被保存在先锋队大厅的先遣队办公室里.


1921为了给新的行政大楼腾出地方,行政大楼搬到了新的校园位置, the Hall of the Pioneers (Pioneer Hall).

1922拓荒者堂的挖掘工作已开始,但还要两年才能奠基. 这座建筑直到1930年才完工,尽管它从1926年开始部分使用.


1928: The KCAC is formed with KWU, Bethany College, Ottawa University, Baker University, McPherson College, and the University of St. Mary’s.

1928: Ruple Perkins of Athens, OH, a running back for the Coyotes, 成为第一位在堪萨斯大学打橄榄球的非裔美国人. 尽管受到拒绝与他同场竞技的球队的歧视, 他在大一和大二的时候获得了kcac最佳阵容的荣誉.



1940: Glenn Martin Stadium 是由工务署(WPA)的劳工建造的,其中包括我校的学生. The football team wins the KCAC Championship.

“我学了三年工商管理,还踢了三年足球. We played the whole 60 minutes. The entire team was 20 players. We won the school’s first KCAC Championship in 1940. 我还帮助建造了马丁体育场,作为工程项目管理项目,每小时工资25美分. Only three students on campus had a car back then.”—Bill Keeler ’44

1940: Kansas Wesleyan holds the inaugural Lilac Fete.

1948: Memorial Library 是为了纪念在二战中牺牲的24名学生而建的吗. 学生们用担架把这些书从卡内基科学馆运到新楼.

1956:中大获中北部协会认证, now called the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). The University continues this accreditation today.

“The women’s dorm, Pfeiffer Hall, had curfew hours. Miss Jean Bradley, the Housemother, 站在前门,她在晚上十点半准时锁门.m. or midnight! 如果你在晚上10点20分左右走近菲佛·霍尔的前门.m. on weeknights—or 11:50 p.m. 星期六,你会看到一群夫妻在离正门二三十码的地方. 显然,他们会握手并互道“晚安”.’”—Bob Pinkall ’58

1968: Enrollment hits a record 800 students. 许多男生都是从前希林空军基地租来的营房接送到校园的,因为校园宿舍已经住满了.


1969: A men’s dorm is opened. 在20世纪90年代中期之前,它一直被称为“新男子宿舍”,后来更名为韦斯利宿舍.

1978: KWU堪萨斯三角洲分会阿尔法气荣誉社会被特许.

1979: Muir Gymnasium is built.

“I remember the games, the lectures, 与大学教堂的联系以及其他许多让堪萨斯卫斯理有家的感觉的事情. 我最尴尬的时刻是我炸毁了Dr. Neuberger’s microbiology class. I went on to graduate in 1977 with a B.S., simultaneously with my R.N. diploma from Asbury Hospital School of Nursing.”

—Jerri Phillips ’77, ’92, ’07


1988: KWU收购位于阿斯伯里-萨利纳地区医疗中心的阿斯伯里护理计划. In 1994, the program moved to campus.

“When I arrived at Kansas Wesleyan in 1980, I was an inner city kid from Newark, NJ, coming from a single-parent household. I was the first one in my family to attend college. I remember Homecoming, Lilac Fete, 圣诞音乐会和在教授家里为那些不能回家过感恩节的人准备的晚餐. 我不仅学会了如何独自生活,还学会了如何在卫斯理大学生活.”—John Brooks ’84

1994: MBA program is launched; fiber optic cable is run to most of the buildings on campus.

“Being in choir was the greatest joy for me at KWU, and choir tour was one of my favorite experiences. 音乐表演很有趣,但巴士之旅和我的朋友旅行是最好的.”—Amanda (Montgomery) Gutierrez ’92

2006: The first Project HERO (Helping Everyone Reach Out) day, the brainchild of two seniors, is organized by the Student Activity Board, 并继续每年为中大学生提供机会,透过社区服务计划回馈本地社区.

2008: The Student Activities Center opens and includes the Hauptli Student Center, Brown Mezzanine, Mabee Arena, Muir Gymnasium, The Den and Yotee’s Bookstore.




2014: Wesleyan Journey program is launched.

2015: $1.200万美元的技术升级扩展Wi-Fi,并为每栋校园建筑安装新的光纤电缆提供资金.

2015: The Graves Family Sports Complex stadium opens Oct. 3 to a then-record crowd of 2,011; legendary coach Gene Bissell helped cut the ribbon as the new Gene Bissell Field was dedicated.

2015: KWU forms the only marching band in the KCAC.


January 2021: The $5 million Nursing Education Center opens.

KWU Traditions

O’Wesleyan, Alma Mater

Oh Wesleyan, dear Wesleyan!
The days may come, the days may go.
But still our hearts in mem’ry cling
To those college days of long ago.

The color scraps, the student pranks,
The calls we made at Schuyler Hall,
The picnic on the Smoky’s banks,
We recall them all, we love them all.

Thru youth, thru prime and when the days
Of harvest time to us shall come;
Thru all we’ll bear the mem’ries dear,
Of those golden days at the Wesleyan.

Then when perchance we’re far away,
And cares of life to each are come,
We’ll not forget, e’en then to pray,
For the Wesleyan, dear Wesleyan.

Presidential Mace

总统权杖是由林兹堡的艺术家大卫·安德森创作的. 它是总统法律和特许权力的象征, to whom the Trustees have delegated authority. 权杖是一种仪式性的标志,代表着一种荣誉,一位杰出的教职员工在大学的活动中携带权杖. 当不用于千亿国际登录的正式仪式时,它就陈列在总统办公室里.

KWU Fight Song

Let’s give a big “HOO-RAY” for Wesleyan,

We’ve got the winningest team in the land.

Let’s give a big “O-KAY!” for Wesleyan,

We’re gonna be number one if we can.

We’re gonna Fight! Fight! Fight!

You can really rely,

Fight! Fight! Fight! On to V-I-C-T-O-R-Y.

Let’s give a big “HOO-RAY” for Wesleyan,

We’re gonna win a victory!

Bolen Coyote

当Salinan Pat Bolen在服务多年后于2010年夏天离开千亿国际登录基金会董事会时, he decided to leave a lasting symbol in memory of his father, Dan.

2010年10月10日,星期一,千亿国际登录为纪念丹·博伦献上了一只铜狼. 该地点位于纪念图书馆的南面,将被称为“土狼角”。. 

Dan Bolen attended KWU from 1920-22. 虽然他后来转学到堪萨斯大学,但他对我校的支持仍在继续. Over the years, 帕特和丹·博伦会参加许多土狼队的橄榄球比赛, 帕特甚至会偷偷溜进国王体育馆打篮球.

Pat Bolen never attended Kansas Wesleyan, but through his father’s example, he has continued a legacy of support and service to KWU.



Historic Campus Buildings

  • Lockwood Hall(1886—1959)

The first building on campus, Lockwood Hall, was completed on September 15, 1886年允许千亿国际登录第一次敞开大门. The city of Salina donated 15 acres and $26,该项目的其余资金则是通过捐赠获得的. The initial three story structure contained class rooms, laboratories, a chapel, a museum, a hall for literary societies and the president’s room. In 1921, the building was relocated at a cost of $40,000 to make room for the new administration building. 1922年6月6日,举行了一场纪念牧师的奉献仪式. J.H. Lockwood, pioneer founder of KWU and on its first board of trustees, and the building was renamed in his honor. 这座建筑被用于文理学院,直到先锋堂的建设完成. 洛克伍德大厅当时是音乐和艺术部门的所在地,直到1959年被拆除.

  • KW Business College (1892—1935)
  • Schuyler Hall (1904—1966)

1904年开始建造一座女子宿舍,估计耗资约1.2万美元. 这个项目的每一个方面,包括劳动力和材料,都与一个捐助者联系在一起. In September of 2004, 学生们开始搬进这栋楼,尽管四层楼中只有两层完工. At its completion, Schuyler Hall contained 50 large student rooms, 可容纳200人的餐厅、接待室和图书室. 该项目包括周边基础设施在内的总成本为1.7万美元. The new women’s residence hall was dedicated in honor of Dr. Aaron Schuyler, the university’s second president. The dining hall was dedicated in honor of Mr. F.D. Kimble, a generous donor.

  • Carnegie Science Hall (1908 — 1979)

这个迫切需要的科学大厅的建设是由有条件的捐赠. Andrew Carnegie in the amount of $25,000. 他规定,千亿国际登录必须筹集同等数额的资金,并清除所有未偿还的赤字. The cornerstone was laid on November 15, 1908. 这座三层砖砌建筑的顶部是一个天文台圆顶,里面装有一台12英寸的反射望远镜. 这座建筑的第一层和第二层有四个大的背诵室, lab and apparatus rooms and teachers offices. 三楼被临时改建为大学的图书馆和博物馆. The building stood strong until 1979.

  • King Gymnasium (1916—1987)

1914年10月15日,学校举行了新体育馆的奠基仪式. 这一建筑之所以成为可能,很大程度上要归功于迪恩·金和他的一群专业同事的努力. 该组织为该项目争取到了1.4万美元的现金和认捐. 经过多次延期,1915年10月2日奠基. The building was completed and dedicated to King in 1916. The estimated value of the building was $35,它被许多人认为是当时堪萨斯州最好的体育设施之一. The structure stood proudly until 1987, 1979年,由于一场火灾造成的结构损坏,它被夷为平地.

  • TW Roach President’s House (1909—1966)
  • Pioneer Hall & Sams Chapel (1922—present)

Construction for the new administration building, officially known as the Hall of the Pioneers, 始建于1921年,原行政大楼迁至校园西南角. 新建筑的大部分框架在1923年完成. 1924年3月29日,奠基仪式在一个时间胶囊的沉淀下举行. 社区成员对冗长的建设工程感到沮丧, 因此,当地专业人士发起了一项活动,目标是筹集50美元,000. Thanks to a generous donation of $25,000 by E.C. Sams, the president and chairman of the board of J.C. Penney, the $50,000 was raised by 1925. On May 30, 1926 Sams Chapel was dedicated in honor of E.C. Sams’ parents. The project was finished in late 1929, 允许在1930年在大楼里开设春季课程. 落成的先锋队纪念堂的奉献和庆祝活动, 感谢所有为维持这所大学付出时间和资金的先驱们, took place on September 14, 1930.

  • JW Bean Memorial Wishing Well (1928—present)
  • Glenn Martin Stadium(1940—2014)

Glenn L. 马丁体育场是千亿国际登录(Kansas Wesleyan University)的主场,从1940年正式命名到2014年初拆除,为新的体育中心让路. 这座旧体育场是堪萨斯众多工程项目管理局(WPA)项目之一.

马丁体育场从1983年开始在灯光下举办夜间比赛,直到2006年10月结束. 从1978年开始到2013年秋季,这座体育场和使用良好的场地也是圣心高中橄榄球队的主场.

Glenn Martin 1933 Visit for KWU Honor – Salina Journal

Glenn Martin 1940 Advance Story

Glenn Martin Biography and Obituary

  • Memorial Library(1947—present)

在1948年之前,堪萨斯卫斯理图书馆位于卡内基音乐厅. The cornerstone for Memorial Library was laid in 1948, 这座建筑是献给所有在第二次世界大战中丧生的堪萨斯卫斯理学生和家庭的. Today, the library is home to over 60,000 book volumes, over 9,500 journals and magazines, 数以百计的dvd和数以万计的电子书和杂志.

  • Pfeiffer Hall (1951—present)
  • Sams Hall of Fine Arts (1952—present)
  • South Hall Apartments (1957—present)
  • North Hall Apartments (1958—present)
  • Highland House (1966—present)
  • Greek Hall (1966—1969)
  • Independence Hall (1966—1969)
  • Frederick Conrad Peters Science Hall (1969—present)
  • Fieldhouse (1969—2013)
  • Wesley Hall (1969—present)
  • Muir Gymnasium (1979—present)
  • Hauptli Student Activity Center (2006—present)
  • Mabee Arena (2006—present)